Common Windshield Problems and How to Fix Them

Your vehicle’s windshield serves as more than just a mere portal to the outside world; it stands as a pivotal component for your safety and driving comfort. As time passes, various issues can manifest, impeding visibility and compromising your overall driving experience. From minor annoyances to potentially hazardous situations, possessing a comprehensive understanding of common windshield problems and how to effectively address them becomes paramount. Let us now delve into some prevalent windshield woes and explore the pragmatic solutions that can readily restore clarity and safety to your journeys.

1. Windshield Chips and Cracks

Problem: Have you noticed any chips or cracks on your windshield? These pesky imperfections can occur due to flying debris, sudden temperature changes, or even impacts from small objects. But here’s the catch – if left unattended, they can easily spread and compromise the overall structural integrity of your windshield.

Solution: The good news is that small chips can often be easily repaired using advanced resin injection techniques. By addressing these tiny blemishes promptly, you can prevent them from expanding and causing further damage. However, in the case of larger cracks, windshield replacement may be necessary to ensure your safety on the road.

Don’t overlook the importance of addressing windshield chips and cracks! Let us help you restore the integrity of your windshield before it becomes a bigger problem. Contact us now and ensure the safety of yourself and your passengers on every journey.

2. Hazy Windshield

Problem: A hazy or cloudy windshield can be caused by a buildup of residue, such as road grime, pollutants, or oils from inside the vehicle. This residue not only obstructs your view, but also compromises your safety on the road.

Solution: To regain optimal clarity and ensure a clear view while driving, it’s crucial to thoroughly clean your windshield using a proper automotive glass cleaner and a microfiber cloth. Start by cleaning both the interior and exterior surfaces, as the residue can accumulate on both sides. Gently remove the grime, pollutants, and oils, leaving your windshield crystal clear and free from any haze or cloudiness. Remember, a clean windshield not only enhances your driving experience but also contributes to your overall safety.

3. Scratches and Scuffs

Problem: Scratches can hinder visibility, especially when sunlight or headlights scatter across them.

Do you find yourself frustrated with the constant visibility issues caused by unsightly scratches and scuffs on your vehicle’s glass? Whether it’s the harsh rays of the sun or the blinding glare of headlights, these blemishes can be a major inconvenience.

Solution:  When it comes to light scratches, we highly recommend employing our top-of-the-line specialized glass polishing compounds. These potent compounds are meticulously formulated to diminish the appearance of scratches, ultimately improving visibility and granting you a crystal-clear view of the road ahead. However, if the scratches on your vehicle’s glass are deeper and more severe, it is imperative to seek professional advice. Our team of experts stands ready to assess the damage and provide you with tailored solutions to prevent any further deterioration. Say goodbye to compromised visibility once and for all – trust in our unwavering expertise to restore the pristine clarity of your vehicle’s glass!

4. Say Goodbye to Annoying Wiper Blade Streaks

Problem: Are you tired of those pesky streaks and smears left behind by your wiper blades? Don’t compromise your visibility and safety in rainy or snowy conditions any longer. We have the ultimate solution for you!

Solution: Regularly inspect and promptly replace worn-out wiper blades to ensure a clear view of the road ahead. But that’s not all! Take it a step further by diligently cleaning both the blades and windshield with our reliable glass cleaner. Say goodbye to unsightly streaking caused by residue buildup and hello to crystal clear visibility on every drive. Upgrade your wiper blade game today and experience the joy of streak-free driving!

Repair Windshield Scratches

5. Pitted Windshield

Problem: Pitting is a common problem that occurs when the windshield becomes marred by countless small imperfections caused by sand, debris, and wear over time.

Solution: Pitting on your windshield may appear daunting, but fear not! Our team of highly skilled professionals is here to save the day. With their expertise, they can expertly polish your windshield, magically transforming it into a flawless beauty. Say goodbye to annoying glare and hello to a crystal-clear view of the road ahead. For those cases where pitting has taken its toll, our experienced technicians may recommend the ultimate solution – windshield replacement. This lasting fix will ensure your windshield remains pristine, guaranteeing your safety and peace of mind.

6. Cracked Windshield Washer Reservoir

 Problem: A cracked windshield washer reservoir can lead to windshield washer fluid leakage, affecting your ability to clean the windshield. If the reservoir is cracked, replacement is often the best solution. Regularly check for leaks and address them promptly to prevent fluid loss.

Here are some of the symptoms of a cracked windshield washer reservoir:

  • Low windshield washer fluid level
  • Fluid leaking under the car
  • Windshield washer fluid not spraying
  • Windshield washer fluid bubbling
  • Windshield washer fluid pooling in the reservoir

Solution : If you notice any of these symptoms, it is important to have the reservoir checked by a mechanic as soon as possible. A cracked reservoir can be a safety hazard, as it can cause the windshield washer fluid to leak onto the road and create a slippery surface.

To replace the windshield washer reservoir, a mechanic will typically remove the old reservoir and install a new one. The new reservoir will be filled with windshield washer fluid and the system will be tested to make sure that it is working properly.

The cost of replacing a windshield washer reservoir varies depending on the make and model of the car. In general, repair is a relatively inexpensive.

Here are some tips to help prevent a cracked windshield washer reservoir:

  • Avoid driving through areas with a lot of flying debris.
  • Park in a shaded area whenever possible.
  • Use a windshield cover or sunshade during the winter months.
  • Check the reservoir regularly for leaks and cracks.
  • Replace the reservoir if it is cracked or damaged.

7. Windshield De-Lamination

 Problem: Windshield delamination is a condition in which the layers of the windshield separate, causing distortions and compromising structural integrity. Delamination can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

  • Manufacturing defects: In rare cases, windshields may delaminate due to manufacturing defects.
  • Impacts: Windshields can delaminate if they are hit by flying debris or other objects.
  • Chemical exposure: Windshields can also delaminate if they are exposed to harsh chemicals, such as those used in windshield washer fluid.
  • UV rays: The sun’s UV rays can also cause windshields to delaminate over time.

If your windshield is delaminated, it is important to have it repaired or replaced as soon as possible. Delamination can cause a variety of problems, including:

  • Reduced visibility: A delaminated windshield can cause distortions that make it difficult to see the road.
  • Compromised structural integrity: A delaminated windshield is more likely to crack or shatter in an accident.
  • Water leaks: Delamination can allow water to seep into the car, causing damage to the interior.

Solution: The best way to repair a delaminated windshield is to replace it. However, in some cases, it may be possible to repair the delamination by bonding the layers back together. This is a complex procedure that should only be performed by a qualified professional.

If you notice any signs of windshield delamination, such as cracks, bubbles, or distortions, it is important to have it checked by a qualified professional as soon as possible. Early detection and repair can help prevent further damage and ensure your safety on the road.

Here are some tips to help prevent windshield delamination:

  • Avoid driving through areas with a lot of flying debris.
  • Park in a shaded area whenever possible.
  • Use a windshield cover or sunshade during the winter months.
  • Avoid using harsh chemicals on your windshield, such as those used in windshield washer fluid.
  • Have your windshield inspected regularly by a qualified professional.

By following these tips, you can help keep your windshield in good condition and prevent delamination.

8. Windshield Distortions

Problem: Distortions in the windshield, often appearing as wavy lines or ripples, can cause visual discomfort and reduce visibility.

They can be caused by a many factors, including:

  • In rare cases, windshields may have distortions due to manufacturing defects.
  • Thermal shock: Windshields can also distort if they are exposed to sudden changes in temperature.
  • Improper installation: Windshields can also distort if they are not installed properly.

Solution: If your windshield has distortions, it is important to have it checked by a qualified professional. In some cases, the distortions may be minor and may not require repair. However, if the distortions are severe, they may interfere with your ability to see the road clearly and may require replacement.

Here are some tips to help prevent windshield distortions:

  • Avoid driving through areas with a lot of flying debris.
  • Park in a shaded area whenever possible.
  • Use a windshield cover or sunshade during the winter months.
  • Have your windshield inspected regularly by a qualified professional.

9. Interior Fogging

Problem: Interior fogging is a common problem that can occur in cars, especially during cold weather or when there is a difference in temperature between the interior and exterior of the vehicle. The moisture in the air condenses on the windshield and other interior surfaces, creating a foggy film that can obstruct visibility.

There are a few things you can do to prevent or clear interior fogging:

  • Use your vehicle’s defogging system. Most vehicles have a defogging system that uses the HVAC system to blow warm air onto the windshield. This helps to evaporate the moisture and clear the fog.
  • Ensure your HVAC system is functioning properly. The HVAC system should be able to circulate air throughout the vehicle and remove moisture. If the system is not working properly, it may not be able to keep the interior of the car fog-free.
  • Keep windows slightly cracked. Cracking the windows slightly will allow air to circulate and help to prevent the moisture from condensing.
  • Use an anti-fog product. There are a number of anti-fog products available that can be applied to the windshield to help prevent fogging.
  • Avoid using harsh chemicals. Harsh chemicals, such as those found in some windshield washer fluids, can damage the windshield and make it more likely to fog.

Solution: By following these tips, you can help prevent interior fogging and keep your windshield clear for safe driving. Here are some additional tips:

  • Turn on the air conditioner. The air conditioner helps in removing moisture from the air.
  • Use the recirculation mode. The recirculation mode will prevent new air from entering the car, which can help to prevent the fog from forming.
  • Ventilate the car. If you are driving in cold weather, open the windows for a few minutes to let out the hot, humid air.
  • Clean the windshield. A dirty windshield can make it more likely to fog.

How to Keep Your Windshield Clean and Scratch-Free for Safer Driving

Clarity and safety go hand in hand when it comes to driving. A clean and scratch-free windshield isn’t just about aesthetics, it’s about ensuring clear visibility and a safe driving experience. Whether you’re embarking on a scenic road trip or navigating your daily commute, taking care of your windshield is essential. Today we’ll unveil a treasure trove of tips and tricks to help you maintain a pristine windshield that not only enhances the overall look of your vehicle but also guarantees unobstructed views and minimized glare. From the right cleaning techniques to preventive measures that ward off scratches, join us as we delve into the art of windshield care and equip you with the knowledge to keep your view crystal clear and you’re driving as safe as can be.  

Here are some of the ways in which a dirty or damaged windshield can impact your safety on the road

  1. Reduced Visibility: Perhaps the most obvious consequence of a dirty windshield is reduced visibility. Dust, dirt, water spots, and debris can accumulate on the surface, creating glare and obstructing your view of the road ahead. This diminished visibility can make it challenging to see pedestrians, other vehicles, road signs, and potential hazards, increasing the risk of accidents.

    2. Glare and Reflections: A dirty windshield can exacerbate glare from the sun, oncoming headlights, and other light sources. Glare can temporarily blind you and make it difficult to see the road, especially during dawn, dusk, or inclement weather. Additionally, dirt particles can cause light to scatter, creating distracting reflections that further hinder your ability to focus on the road.

    3. Compromised Night Vision: When driving at night, a clean windshield is crucial. A dirty windshield scatters light from streetlights and headlights, making it harder to discern details in the darkness. This can lead to difficulty judging distances and identifying potential obstacles, putting you at a higher risk of accidents.

    4. Impaired Wiper Functionality: A dirty windshield can negatively affect the performance of your windshield wipers. Dirt and debris can accumulate on the wiper blades, leading to streaking, smearing, or uneven wiping. In heavy rain or snow, compromised wiper functionality can make it nearly impossible to maintain a clear view, making driving hazardous.

    5. Scratches and Cracks: Minor scratches on the windshield might seem insignificant, but they can scatter light and cause glare, similar to how dirt does. Moreover, over time, these scratches can weaken the structural integrity of the glass, making it more susceptible to cracks and shattering upon impact. A cracked windshield can compromise the vehicle’s structural stability and airbag deployment in case of a collision.

    6. Inadequate Rain Repellent: Many modern windshields come with rain-repellent coatings that enhance visibility during wet conditions. A dirty windshield can reduce the effectiveness of these coatings, causing rainwater to bead and streak, obscuring your vision and making it challenging to drive safely in the rain.

    7. Delayed Reaction Time: Poor visibility and distracted attention due to a dirty windshield can lead to delayed reactions to sudden changes in traffic conditions or unexpected events on the road. This delay in response time can significantly increase the likelihood of accidents.

    A clean and scratch-free windshield is an indispensable component of driving safety. Regular maintenance and timely repairs are crucial to ensure that your windshield remains in optimal condition. By acknowledging the various ways in which a dirty or damaged windshield can compromise your safety, you can take proactive steps to maintain clear visibility and minimize risks while on the road.

Different ways to clean your windshield

Cleaning your windshield effectively involves more than just a casual wipe-down. The right products and techniques can make a world of difference in achieving a crystal-clear result. Here’s a breakdown of different methods and their importance, along with a step-by-step guide to properly clean your windshield:
1. Glass Cleaner: Using a high-quality glass cleaner designed specifically for automotive use is essential. Regular household cleaners might leave streaks or residues that impair visibility due to their formulation.
2. Microfiber Cloth: Microfiber cloths are your best friend when it comes to windshield cleaning. Their fine fibers effectively lift dirt and grime without scratching the glass. Never use abrasive materials like paper towels, as they can leave scratches and lint on the windshield.
3. Squeegee: A squeegee can be a valuable tool for removing excess water and cleaner from the windshield. It helps prevent streaks and water spots, ensuring a clear view.

How to Clean a windshield

Importance of Using the Quality Cleaning Products and Tools

Using appropriate products and tools is crucial for maintaining the integrity of your windshield and achieving optimal clarity. The wrong cleaning agents can damage the glass, while improper tools can lead to scratches and uneven cleaning. Additionally, using subpar products might leave residues that hinder visibility, defeating the purpose of cleaning in the first place.
Step-by-Step Instructions:
1. Gather Your Materials:
Automotive glass cleaner
Microfiber cloth(s)
Squeegee (optional)
Water (if needed)
Empty spray bottle (if you prefer to make your own cleaning solution)
2. Park in the Shade:
Choose a shady area to clean your windshield. Direct sunlight can cause the cleaning solution to evaporate quickly, leaving streaks behind.
3. Prepare the Cleaning Solution (if not using a ready-made cleaner):
Mix the automotive glass cleaner with water in the spray bottle according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
4. Pre-Rinse: If your windshield is covered in thick dirt or debris, rinse it with water first to remove the loose particles. This step prevents scratches when you start cleaning.
5. Apply the Cleaning Solution: Spray the glass cleaner directly onto the windshield’s surface. Make sure to cover the whole area evenly.
6. Wipe with Microfiber Cloth: Gently wipe the windshield in a circular or back-and-forth motion using a microfiber cloth. Start from top, fold the cloth occasionally to expose a clean side. Ensure thorough coverage.
7. Use a Squeegee (optional): If using a squeegee, run it vertically down the windshield from top to bottom to remove excess cleaner and water. Wipe the squeegee blade with a cloth after each pass.
8. Check for Streaks: Inspect the windshield for streaks or spots. If you notice any, reapply the cleaner and repeat the wiping process.
9. Dry the Edges: Use a clean, dry section of the microfiber cloth to wipe the edges of the windshield and any remaining moisture or cleaner residue.
10. Verify Clarity: Sit inside your car and check the windshield for any streaks, spots, or smudges that might have been missed. Adjust your angle to catch any imperfections.

By following these step-by-step instructions and using the right cleaning products and tools, you can maintain a clean and clear windshield that enhances your driving safety and overall road experience. Remember to perform regular windshield cleaning to prevent the buildup of dirt, grime, and residues that can compromise your visibility on the road.

Where to buy high-quality car windshields in Gurgaon: A comprehensive guide

When it comes to the safety and integrity of your vehicle, a high-quality car windshield is crucial. Whether you need a windshield replacement or repair in Gurgaon, finding a reliable source that offers top-notch products is essential. Let’s what you should look for that can help you to make an informed decision to choose best place for buying high-quality car windshields.

1. Windshield Specialists in Gurgaon

There are many professional companies and workshops that replace car windshields in and around Gurugram (previously Gurgaon). But what differentiates them from one another is the facilities they offer like cashless insurance claims, Doorstep service, and most important a windshield repair facility.

For most of the workshops and even the specialized windshield shops don’t offer windshield crack repairs. This is due to the high cost involved in buying a specialized windshield repair kit.

First, check out if they have a windshield crack repair kit and if is it possible to get your car windshield repaired, as all cracks are not repairable.

2. Authorized Dealerships and Service Centers

Another option that you can explore for replacing your car windshield is your authorized workshop or dealer. Authorized car dealers offer all sorts of repairs and replacements along with your car service. So most of the time you need to wait for 2-3 days to get your car windshield replaced at your authorized center.

But you can rely on them for genuine parts as they strictly follow the company policy regarding quality standards.

That doesn’t mean you can’t get genuine parts outside the authorized workshop. All companies offer genuine parts to aftermarket workshops and windshield shops to cater to all customers.

3. Local Auto Glass Shops

Gurgaon is full of local workshops and car-glass shops. Here you can buy new as well as old car windshields for replacement. Though they don’t repair your car windshield, still you can find a windshield solution at an affordable budget.

However, it is important to check properly the local auto glass shop’s reputation, experience, and customer reviews before going for car glass replacement.

4. Reference for your colleagues and friends

Asking for recommendations or references from your friends, colleagues or any car repair specialist can be of great help. They can provide you with better insights into windshield replacement companies in your neighborhood. References are a great source for verifying an Auto glass shop’s credentials. It gives you a clear idea of how they operate, and what type of spare parts they use.


When it comes to buying high-quality car windshields in Gurgaon, you have several options to choose from. Whether you opt for windshield specialists, authorized dealerships, local auto glass shops, or references, always prioritize quality, authenticity, and reputation. Safeguard your vehicle with a high-quality windshield from a trusted source to ensure your safety and driving experience.

Remember to compare prices, warranties, installation services, and customer reviews before making your final decision. 

Windshield Store is one of the leading Car windshield repair and replacement companies in Delhi NCR. We have a car glass replacement workshop at golf course road, Gurgaon, and another workshop at Ashok Vihar, Gurgaon. For High-Quality windshield replacement or repair in Gurgaon call us at +91-9278783578. 

An overview of Tata Tiago NRG Car Windshield & Glass Replacement in Ashok Vihar

The Tata Tiago NRG is a popular car model in India, known for its impressive features, design, and durability. Like any other car, the Tata Tiago NRG may require windshield and glass replacement at some point. Ashok Vihar is a locality in Delhi, India, with several car repair shops offering windshield and glass replacement services. This article provides an overview of Tata Tiago NRG car windshield and glass replacement in Ashok Vihar.

Reasons for Windshield and Glass Replacement

Several factors can lead to windshield and glass damage in a car. The most common causes of windshield damage include road debris, weather elements such as hailstones, and accidents. Minor chips and cracks on the windshield may not require immediate replacement, but they can worsen with time and lead to more significant damage. Additionally, driving with a damaged windshield can be dangerous, as it can obscure your vision and increase the risk of accidents. Therefore, it is essential to seek windshield replacement services as soon as you notice any damage.

In the case of car windows, vandalism, accidents, and attempted theft are common causes of glass damage and you need to rely on Tata Tiago NRG windshield replacement services. Broken or damaged windows can also pose a safety risk to you and your passengers, as they may not provide adequate protection in case of an accident. Therefore, it is crucial to seek glass replacement services immediately after you notice any damage.

Types of Windshield and Glass Damage

Windshields and car windows can sustain different types of damage, including:

  • Chips: These are small damages on the windshield or window, often caused by small debris such as rocks, pebbles, and gravel. Chips can be repaired, but if they are not repaired immediately, they can worsen and lead to more significant damage.
  • Cracks: These are longer damages on the windshield or window, often caused by more significant debris such as hailstones, fallen branches, or accidents. Cracks can also worsen with time and lead to more significant damage.
  • Shattered glass: This is severe damage that occurs when the glass breaks into pieces. Shattered glass is often caused by accidents, vandalism, or attempted theft.

Types of Windshield and Glass Replacement Services

There are different types of Tata Tiago NRG windshield replacement services, depending on the extent of damage and the type of glass. These services include:

  • Windshield Repair: This service is suitable for minor chips and cracks on the windshield. The repair process involves injecting resin into the damaged area to fill the chip or crack and prevent it from spreading. Windshield repair is a fast and affordable option, but it may not be suitable for severe damage.
  • Windshield Replacement: This service is suitable for severe windshield damage, such as significant cracks or shattered glass. The replacement process involves removing the damaged windshield and installing a new one. Windshield replacement is a more expensive option than repair, but it ensures that your car’s windshield is in excellent condition and provides adequate protection.
  • Car Window Replacement: This service is suitable for severely damaged car windows, such as shattered glass or significant cracks. The replacement process involves removing the damaged window and installing a new one. Car window replacement is a more expensive option than repair, but it ensures that your car windows are in excellent condition and provides adequate protection.

Choosing a Windshield and Glass Replacement Service in Ashok Vihar

Ashok Vihar is a bustling locality in Delhi with several car repair shops offering Tata Tiago NRG windshield replacement and glass replacement services. When choosing a windshield and glass replacement service in Ashok Vihar, consider the following factors:

  • Reputation: Choose a repair shop with a good reputation for providing high-quality services. You can check online reviews or ask for recommendations from friends or family members. You can easily get lots of relevant details about the service standards of the repair shop and accordingly decide to avail of the services. 
  • Experience: Choose a repair shop with experienced technicians who have expertise in windshield and glass replacement services. It would be a mistake to go to a shop that doesn’t have any experienced professionals. The experts should be certified. 
  • Warranty: Choose a repair shop that offers a warranty on their windshield and glass replacement services. A warranty ensures that you can return to the shop in case of any issues with the replacement. Enquire with the shop about the availability of a warranty on its various services. 
  • Cost: Compare the prices of different repair shops to find one that offers affordable and reasonable prices for their services. A top-rated service provider sets competitive rates for its range of services. Also, there are flexible provisions to customize the budget. 
  • Timeframe: Choose a repair shop that can complete the windshield or glass replacement within a reasonable timeframe. You don’t want to wait for an extended period to have your car’s windshield or windows replaced. There should not be any delay in getting the relevant services from the shop. 
  • Location: Consider the location of the repair shop and choose one that is convenient for you to access.
  • Customer Service: Choose a repair shop with excellent customer service. The repair shop should be friendly, professional, and willing to answer any questions you may have about the windshield or glass replacement services. You should not face hassles at any stage of availing the repair service from the shop. 

Final note

In conclusion, the Tata Tiago NRG is a popular car model in India that may require windshield and glass replacement services at some point. Ashok Vihar is a locality in Delhi with several car repair shops offering Tata Tiago NRG windshield replacement services. When choosing a windshield and glass replacement service in Ashok Vihar, consider factors such as reputation, experience, warranty, cost, timeframe, location, and customer service. By choosing a reliable repair shop, you can ensure that your car’s windshield and windows are in excellent condition and provide adequate protection.

Everything You Need to Know About Car Windshield Maintenance

A car is an asset, and with proper care, it remains in good condition for years. A windshield is an important car part that performs multiple functions. Can you imagine driving a vehicle with a cracked windshield? That is a scary thought, right? Besides the shattered appearance, a damaged windshield can also lead to severe safety hazards. And as a responsible driver, you must keep yourself and other occupants safe. So, here are some tips on maintaining a windshield. 

Why is windshield maintenance significant?

A windshield serves multiple functions. It prevents foreign particles like dust, grime, and dirt from entering the car’s cabin. When there is a major accident, it stops the car’s roof from crashing and caving in, thus saving the life of the driver. It saves the driver from the impact of a serious accident. It also helps the driver see the road clearly by preventing the heat and glare of the sun. 

And when it comes to safety and vision, you cannot afford to make any compromises. Hence, it is of utmost importance to have a squeaky-clean and crack-free windshield.

Easy tips to keep the windshield functional

The life of your car’s windshield depends on how well you maintain it. Most car owners tend to neglect routine maintenance of the car’s windshield. It is not only about cleaning the portions where dust accumulates. With proper service the windshield’s life will be extended, thus safeguarding the lives of the people traveling in the car. Here are some excellent tips for prolonging the life of your car’s windscreen: 

  1. Don’t leave the car under the sun for long hours

When you park a car under the sun’s direct lights, it is forced to endure extreme temperatures. Exposure to the scorching sun can cause stress cracks on the windshield. This increases the risk of the entire glass breaking eventually. The crack will keep spreading further because of temperature fluctuations, be it freezing cold or direct sunlight. 

The glass things are highly sensitive to powerful UV rays, and it can get damaged. So, it is better to avoid such occurrences by parking the car in a basement, garage, or any other shaded space. It will enhance the durability of the windshield. 

  1. Don’t ignore cracks and chips

When a foreign object ends up hitting the windshield of your car with an impact, chipping or cracking is a common outcome. You might also notice bubbles between the layers of the glass. The formation of bubbles, irrespective of their size, often results in potential damage. Cracks will spread further and obstruct your view while driving. 

So, contact windshield repair and auto glass replacement services and get the issue resolved. Doing this will help you solve the problem in its initial stage and prevent it from becoming a major expense.

  1. Use a good cleaning product 

Besides taking your car for its scheduled visits to the nearest service center, you should clean it frequently. Daily windshield cleaning is mandatory for any vehicle. That’s because the windshield always gets dirty from bird droppings, dust particles, wet dirt, and insect splatter.

But are you sure you’re using the right chemicals for cleaning your car? The wrong chemical will leave scratches on the windshield, thus damaging the glass or leaving streaks on it. Therefore, do not use ammonia-based car cleaners, DIY cleaners, or abrasive sponges to clean the windshield. 

It should be cleaned only by using cleaners that are designed for removing dirt from the windscreen of vehicles. Also, always take a soft cloth or a microfiber towel for wiping the surface gently with the cleaning agent. Wipe the glass carefully with vertical and horizontal wipes and avoid circular motions.

  1. Replace the windshield wipers occasionally

Wiper blades keep degrading over time, becoming teary and weary. The condition of a car’s windshield wiper can have adverse effects on the windshield’s health in multiple ways. So, be aware and inspect the windshield wipers once in a while. 

A wiper consists of two parts – a metal structure that remains inside and a rubber coating covering the metal. After prolonged use, the rubber wears out. When that happens, the metal structure comes in contact with the windshield’s glass. The hard metal scraping against the glass can leave scratch marks. So, it is a good idea to replace the wipers once in two years or based on how frequently you drive. 

  1. Never slam the car doors

Whether you are in hurry or you are panicking – slamming a car’s doors is a big ‘no’. This habit can have dangerous implications on the windshield’s glass as well as the side windows. When someone slams the door, it causes vibration inside the vehicle. So, both the windshield and the side windows can get impacted. When such vibrations keep happening, the cracks or chips will expand. 

Hence, advise everyone who steps into your car to be gentle with the door. As the windshield is one of the most vital components of your car, you should be mindful of its upkeep. 

  1. Hire professionals

It is a brilliant idea to seek professional help from time to time for deep cleaning a car. A trained technician will inspect your windshield minutely and inform you if there is a small crack. Such a person possesses the expertise to assess the vehicle thoroughly. After that, he will suggest you the best solution depending on the severity of the condition. For instance, if the chip has damaged the glass’s outer layer, a simple repair is all it needs. But if overlooked, it the chip will expand and transform into a huge crack.

Final Thoughts  

Looking after the windshield of your car is not rocket science. All you have to do is examine it from time to time. Follow the above-mentioned tips to care for the windshield at home. In case a crack develops, please do not leave it unattended. Look for windshield glass repair services in your locality. Make sure you research well and find an experienced windshield repair company to fix your car.

Best 5 Tata Cars

The car has become a utility more than an item for show off. A vast majority of people prefer to buy small cars for their homes. There are numerous car brands in the market, and choosing the best sometimes seems like a task. However, when it comes to buying their first car, the vast majority of Indians go for a Tata.

Of course, Tata is a renowned brand; it needs no introduction. The brand is known to manufacture great quality vehicles, keeping Indian people and Indian roads in mind. The best thing about Tata cars is that it comes in various models and price range. For instance, Tata Nano is one of the incredible cars that was manufactured by Tata Motors in order to help people have cars on low budgets.

There are various reasons Tata cars are one of the sought-after vehicles in the market. Aside from personal use, most people prefer to have them for the travel business as well. Most tours and travels companies and transporters prefer Tata Cars over other brands. It is because Tata cars are sturdy and ergonomically designed.

So, if you’re also planning to buy a Tata car but are confused about the model, then this post is for you. In this post, we shall discuss the top 5 Tata cars to help you make an informed decision.

Let’s dive in…

Top 5 Tata Car Models

There is no doubt that buying a car is an expensive affair. Finding the right car and buying it can seem like a task at first; however, with proper planning, you can surely get one. There is an overwhelming amount to consider when shopping for a car. You need to consider everything, from the make and model to the color and features to the budget of the car.

If you are wondering which Tata car you must buy, then here is our list of the top 5 car models by Tata.

#1. Tata Harrier

At number 1, we have Tata Harrier. It is one of the premium cars launched by Tata Motors so far. This five-seater car not looks amazing but also offers the most cutting-edge features that you’re sure to fall in love with. The Tata Harrier sports a sleek design, cutting-edge amenities, and a powerful 2.0-liter Diesel engine. Importantly, the car’s platform is based on the mysterious design of the Land Rover Discovery Sport. It comes in four different colors, such as Atlas Black, Calypso Red, Daytona Grey, Orcus White, and Tropical Mist.

Pricing: The top version of the Tata Harrier, Tata Harrier XZ (Diesel), costs INR 21 Lakhs. While the base version, Tata Harrier XE, costs INR 14.79 Lakhs.

#2. Tata Nexon

Tata Nexon is one of the best cars that Tata has launched. This car has emerged as a challenger to the Maruti Vitara Brezza and the Hyundai Venue. Nexon comes in both gas and diesel versions, with an automatic transmission as an extra. When it comes to the best SUV car, Tata Nexon tops the list. You will fall in love with this car with cutting-edge features. It is an amazing option for those looking for a sleek vehicle.

Pricing: The top version of the Tata Nexon, the XV XZA Plus DT Roof (O) Diesel AMT (Diesel), costs around 12.70 lakhs. While the price of Tata Nexon XZA Plus DT Roof (O) AMT (Petrol) is 11.20 Lakhs.

If you’re looking for something on this budget, then Tata Nexon is the best option for sure!

#3. Tata Tigor

If you’re looking for a compact car sufficient for your small family of four, then Tata Tigor is your best choice. The Tata Tigor is a compact car that competes well with Swift Dzire in the market. From the lineup of Tata automobiles sold in India, this sedan stands out as the most aesthetically pleasing option. The coolest thing about this car is its lowest price tag.

Tata Tigor comes in five different colors, such as Arizona Blue, Daytona Grey, Deep Red, Pearlescent White, and Pure Silver. With its roomy interior and sleek exterior, the Tigor is sure to turn heads wherever you go. So, wait no more; buy Tata Tigor!

Pricing: The highest-end variant, the Tata Tigor XZ Plus Diesel (Diesel), costs 7.89 lakhs in India. In contrast, the Tata Tigor XZA Plus (Petrol) is 7.44 lakh.

#4. Tata Tiago

After Tata Nano, the Tata Tiago is one of the most cost-effective four-wheeled vehicle alternatives for middle-class Indian households. Tiago has a roomy interior and some of the best amenities available for a comfortable and quick drive across the country’s congested roads.

This car comes in seven different colors, such as Berry Red, Canyon Orange, Espresso Brown, Ocean Blue, Pearlescent White, Platinum Silver, and Titanium Grey. The best thing is that this car comes in both a patrol and diesel version, which means you have the option to save money on fuel in the long run.

Pricing: The base model Tiago ranges in price from 5.40-7.69 lakh, although this varies widely depending on options like color and engine type.

#5. Tata Altroz

At number 5, we have Tata Altroz. It is one of the best cars launched by Tata Motors that is comparable to the Maruti Baleno and the Hyundai Elite i20. This luxury hatchback from Tata turns heads with its ergonomic features, sleek exterior, roomy cabin, and superb handling. There is also a turbo-petrol version of the vehicle, which is far more rapid than the standard patrol models. This 5-seater subcompact 4-wheeler comes in five different colors: Avenue White, Downtown Red, High Street Gold, Midtown Grey, and Skyline Silver. This comes in a patrol version.

Pricing: The base model of Tata Altroz, Altroz XE, costs INR 6.34 Lakhs. At the same time, the top model of Tata Altroz, Altroz XZ + DCA DARK, costs INR 9.99 Lakhs.

Wrapping up…

So, these are the top 5 Tata Cars that you can consider buying for personal or business purposes. All of these cars are the best in the market. Aside from these, there are several other cars that you can consider buying.

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If you want to know more about our services, do contact us. We are just a call away!

Disclaimer: We are not promoting Tata Cars; it is just for the information!

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