Does My Car have A windshield light Sensor?
A Windshield Light Sensor looks similar to a Rain Sensor. Often they are available as a combined unit installed beneath your rearview mirror in a special mount and touching the windshield’s inner surface. The windshield Light Sensor is also visible from the outside as a transparent box in the place of the rearview mirror holder.
Why is Light Sensor important for my Car?
Windshield Light Sensor help to control your car’s headlights. It keeps tracking the type of illumination around you while you are driving. Sometimes while driving for extended hours you can’t keep a track of the amount of light around you and how fast is night falling. While you are so busy driving you forget to switch on your headlights which can be dangerous for you as well as other drivers on road. Windshield Light Sensor does this for you, it keeps track of sunlight intensity and switches on the headlight if sunlight is not good enough for driving. Automatic control of your headlights also helps to conserve your car battery.
Does it need to be replaced during windshield replacement?
If you got your windshield cracked due to some unfortunate reason and need it to be replaced or repaired. It doesn’t mean you also have to replace your windshield light sensor. In most of the cracks, your windshield got repaired if your crack it less than a coin size. If it is more than it you need a windshield replacement but it doesn’t amount to a light sensor replacement. You need to check whether your light sensor got hit directly or if there is some sort of damage to its wiring. Otherwise, it is ok to use your old sensor with the brand-new windshield.
Where Should I buy A new Windshield Light Sensor?
For most of car brands and models, Light Sensors are readily available in the aftermarket. Here at Windshield Store, we suggest you go for an OEM Light Sensor for your car. OEM re-installation is the best way to ensure that it works properly. If your light sensor is not right it will affect car illumination and will also drain more battery than OEM. It will affect your battery life.